Need more podcasts to enjoy? Check out winners
and finalists from other PPA contests.
PPA1 September 2006 PPA2 March 2007 PPA3 December 2007
How We Pick Them
of the Podcast Peer Awards nominate shows for various categories.
A Show can be nominated for multiple categories.
Any PPA member can nominate any show. Other members then vote for
or against a show. Each member has one vote per show/category.
A show's score is the number of "yes" votes minus the number
of "no"
votes. A show must have a score of five or more to qualify as a finalist.
Members spend three months selecting the finalists. (Why so long? Members
are honor bound to listen to shows before voting for or against them.)
The five shows with the highest score in
any category become finalists. (If there are not at least three qualifiers
in a category that category is retired for the current contest.) Members
have a month and a half to pick the best from the finalists.
Then we announce the results and post them here, providing you with
a list of some of the very best podcasts in the known universe.