By Dave Hitt on Nov 18, 2008 in Police State | 0 Comments
I swear I’m not going out looking for stories about cops shooting dogs. They’ve just become so common that I stumble across them every couple of weeks in the course of casual surfing. This time it was in Pittsburgh. A sheriff’s deputy, looking to serve papers on someone, went into the wrong backyard, where a […]
By Dave Hitt on Oct 23, 2008 in Police State | 0 Comments
I’m not even looking for these stories. They’re so common I’ve been stumbling across them without effort. Via Windypundent here’s yet another story of a Thug in Blue shooting a dog for no reason. The dog runs up to him, which is what dogs do when a stranger comes on his property, but doesn’t look […]
By Dave Hitt on Oct 14, 2008 in Big Brother, Police State | 1 Comment
First, check out this e-bay feedback page. Note the stuff this guy is selling. The oldest feedback available there dates to Nov 22, 2006. Pretty impressive, right? Guess where he got it all that fine stuff. Your luggage. As reported on Gadling, this guy, paid from your tax dollars to keep you safe, had no […]
By Dave Hitt on Oct 10, 2008 in Police State | 3 Comments
Maryland cops are now putting the names of peaceful activists on terrorist lists. This follows on the heels of five paramilitary strikes against protesters just before the Republican National Convention. Groups with no history of violence were violently raided by SWAT teams, handcuffed, fingerprinted, and terrorized by police thugs. The cops then stole their political […]
By Dave Hitt on Sep 30, 2008 in Police State | 0 Comments
Yet another incident where Thugs in Blue shot a harmless dog. This time they added insult to injury by stuffing the body into a plastic bag and leaving it by the curb as trash. Doesn’t that make you happy that the boys in blue are there to protect you?
By Dave Hitt on Aug 26, 2008 in Police State | 0 Comments
Cheye Calvo and his wife Trinity Tomsic lived in a nice suburban house with two black Labs. One of the reasons they chose their house was for the big back yard where the dogs could run. They were relaxing in their home when armed thugs broke into their homes and shot their dogs. The thugs […]
By Dave Hitt on Aug 5, 2008 in Police State | 0 Comments
Mace Hutchison, 16, evidently fell off a bridge. As he laid there with a broken back, the cops tazed him nineteen times. Nineteen! What are the odds they’ll be punished for thier assualt? Pretty slim. Hell, they might even get an award! Too bad he didn’t have a car, they could have stolen that too. […]